Fifth Wind sits on 100 acres of fertile land in the Northumberland Region of Ontario. For the past several years the gardens here have been expanding. And, with the gardens, the number of people and families in the the local community that are being served by it.
Fifth Wind follows a Community Shared Agriculture (CSA) model. The CSA model is quickly gaining in popularity as a way for people to get access to local, fresh, and often ecologically grown produce while supporting their local farmers. Fifth Wind sells shares in its gardens at the beginning of the season. Shareholders are invited to pick weekly from the gardens throughout the growing season.
Fifth Wind grows a variety of produce. While the produce is not certified organic, Fifth Wind is committed to the fundamental tenets of organic agriculture, being mainly a rejection of pesticides and chemical fertilizers as well as a rejection of genetically modified seeds and crops. Many heritage varieties are grown. Here, we celebrate the notion of of working with the earth rather than against it.
Among the produce we grow are multiple varieties of: Tomatoes, Peppers, Garlic, Spinach, Onions, Lettuce, Spinach, Leeks, Green Peas, Beans, Pumpkins, Squash, Cucumbers, Zucchini, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Arugula, Parsley, Basil, Cilantro, Green Onions, Pak Choy, Chard, Kale, Chinese Cabbage, Potatoes, and so much more.

The gardens start producing food for harvesting from May with the season continuing until the end of November. Weekly updates are posted via email for all the members as well as instructions on a board near the garden. Cost for a family is 450.00 for the season and for singles 225.00.
update...on march 21st we planted 2 types of lettuce and spinach.
Our CSA has room for one more family in 2012.
NEW to Fifthwind...
Homemade organic salves and creams created from our own gardens. See the Pure Joy page.
Contact us at fifthwinds@gmail.com for further information.